Feedback Process of the Institution 2023-24
Project work/Internship of B.Sc 2023-24
Project work/Internship of B.Voc(FPQM) 2023-24
Project work/Internship of B.Voc(HAM) 2023-24
Project work/Internship of M.Com 2023-24
Project work/Internship of M.Sc IT 2023-24
Parent Teacher Meetings 2023-24
Student Satisfaction Survey 2023-24
Infrastructure and Physical Facilities 2023-24
Facilities and Co-Curricular 2023-24
ICT Enabled Facilities 2023-24
Utilization of physical, Academic and Support Facilities 2023-24
Institutional Strategies for Mobilization of Funds and the Optimal Utilization of Resources 2023-24
Meeting of IQAC,Feedback Collected Analyzed and used for Quality Intiatives 2023-24
Organogram of the institution 2023-24
Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non- teaching staff 2023-24
Strategy Development and Deployment 2023-24
Welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff 2023-24
Special facilities provided for women 2023-24
Political Science Activities 2023_24
Annual Gender Sensitization Plan 2022-23
B.Sc (FD) Project Work 2022-23
B.Voc (FPQM) Project Work 2022-23
B.VOC (HAM) Project Work 2022-23
Evaluation Process and reforms-1 2022-23
Evaluation Process and reforms-2 2022-23
Feedback Process of the Institution Report 2022-23
Financial Management and Resource Mobilization 2022-23
Institutional Strategies for Mobilization of Funds and the Optimal Utilization of Resources 2022-23
Mintues of IQAC Meetings and Compliance to Decisions 2022-23
Meeting of IQAC,Feedback Collected Analyzed and used for Quality Intiatives
Performance Appraisal System for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff
Student Satisfaction Survey 2022-23
Special Facilities Provided for Women
Sensitization of Students and Employees 2022-23
Teaching-Learning Process 2022-23
Teaching Learning Process, Structures & Methodologies of Operations and Learning Outcomes 2022-23
Extra Curricular Activities 2021-22
Internal Complaints Committee 2021-22
Internal and External Audit 2021-22
Minutes of IQAC Meetings 2021-22
Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity
Policy, Appointment services Rules
Student satisfaction survey 2021-22
Utilization Certificate 2021-22
Utilization of physical, Academic and Support Facilities 2021-22
Program Outcome and Course Outcomes
Student Satisfaction Survey(2020-21)
Institutional Distinctiveness (2020-21)
Strategic Plan and Deployment(2020-21)
Welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff
Mintues of IQAC Meetings 2020-21
Internal Complaints Committee 2020-21
Celebrations of Important Days 2020-21
Capacity Building and Skills Enhancement Initativies 2020-21
Gender Sensitization Action Plan 2020-21
Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations 2020-21
Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity 2020-21
Student Satisfaction Survey 2019-20
IQAC Minutes of Meetings 2019-20
IQAC Minutes of Meetings 2019-20
Utilization of Physical, Academic and Support Facilities (2019-20)
IQAC Minutes of Meetings 2018-19
As per NAAC guidelines,the college has established 'Internal Quality Assurance Cell' that works towards the goals of quality enhancement and subsistence. It is an accommodative and participative organ of the institution. The main task of the IQAC is to develop a system that improves the overall performance of the institution, of removing the deficiencies and enhancing the quality. The IQAC of the college coordinated the visit of NAAC team in March 2017 and the college was accredited with B+ by NAAC Bangalore
Sr. No. | Category | Name of the members | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Dr.(Mrs.)Neena Aneja | Principal |
2. | Management Representative | Dr.Ashok Garga | Secretary-cum-Advisor,C.M.C |
3. | Teacher | Dr. Sakshi Sharma | Coordinator |
4. | Teacher | Mrs.Gagandeep Kaur | Co-coordinator |
5. | Teacher | Mrs. Sushma Gupta | Faculty Member |
6. | Teacher | Dr.Kanchan Goyal | Faculty Member |
7. | Teacher | Mrs.Rajni | Faculty member |
8. | Teacher | Dr.Baljeet Kaur | Faculty member |
9. | Teacher | Mrs.Namita Barman | Faculty member |
10. | Teacher | Ms.Rajni | Faculty member |
11. | Teacher | Dr.Palvinder kaur | Faculty member |
12. | Teacher | Mrs.Ramanpreet Kaur | Faculty member |
13. | Teacher | Mrs.Mandeep Sharma | Faculty member |
14. | Teacher | Mrs.Hina Gupta | Faculty member |
15. | Teacher | Mrs.Kamaljit Kaur | Faculty member |
16. | Teacher | Ms. Amarjot Purewal | Librarian |
17. | Administrative Staff | Mr. ChamanLal | Senior Clerk |
18. | Nominee From Local Society | Mrs.Monika Mittal | Bank Manager(PNB) |
19. | Industrialist | Mrs.Indu Puri | Owner of P-Marka Mustard oil-An International Brand |
20. | Students | Garima | Student Representative |
21. | Alumni | Ms.Bhagyashree | Ex-student |