Go through the prospectus carefully before signing the admission form.

Attendance in the House Examination is compulsory.
Please clear all the dues of the college by Dec. 31 of the year.
Any change in the address and phone number must be reported to the college office without loss of time.
If somebody comes to drop the students, they are to alight from the vehicle a little away from the main gate.
Students should make the most of their time in academic/co-curricular activities.
Abide by all the rules, regulations and instructions issued by the college from time to time.
Punctuality is a sign of good culture. The students should be punctual on all occasions and in attending their classes, functions and fulfilling appointments.
Students are not allowed to sit in the college canteen aimlessly in their vacant periods but are required to sit in the reading room.
It is compulsory to attend the morning assembly.
Students should understand that the college property is a national trust as such its upkeep is as much their responsibility as that of the administration.
Each student being the cultural symbol of the institution must dress up modestly. The college enforces simplicity in dress.
Students should be respectful to their teachers.
The students are expected to be courteous in dealing with clerical staff & fellow students.
Students must switch off the lights and fans before leaving the classroom.
Parking place, being limited in the college, the students must park their two wheelers properly.
In the case of loss/theft or change of the cycle/scooter, the decision of the principal will be final. They must keep the parking token with them.
Sick students must not come to the college.
Every student must read the Notice board carefully everyday.
No visitors are allowed to see the students during the college working hours. In case of emergency, a written request should be made to the principal.
Students are not allowed to carry cash in the college. In case of any loss the college will not be responsible.
Students should not leave the college till their classes are over or till the 5th period is over.
Carrying the mobile phones in the college campus is strictly prohibited.
All the students must be in the possession of identity card while in the campus of the college. They are advised not to bring any non-student to the college.
To keep the campus clean and environment friendly, students should avoid polythene bags and littering.