I. Overview - Library at S.D. College aims to serve the information needs of students, faculty members and other library members by providing an excellent collection of textbooks, reference books, journals, magazines and newspapers. The library strives to purchase the latest books to keep its collection updated. The library has subscribed to NLIST program which provides access to e-resources. The library is automated using KOHA, an open-source Integrated Library System (ILS).
II. Library Advisory Committee -
1. Amarjot Purewal, Librarian
2. Mrs. Ramanpreet Kaur, Asstistant Professor (Punjabi)
3.Mrs. Gagandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor (Commerce)
4. Mrs. Hina Gupta, Assistant Professor (Computer Science)
5. Ms. Vridhi, Assistant Professor (Commerce)
Books: 20,385
E-books: 1,64,300
IV. Number of e - journals: 6000
V. Library Services
1. N-List Subscription:Library has subscribed to National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST). It is an initiative of Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) under the NME-ICT now funded by UGC, as College component under e-ShodhSindhu consortium. The site can be accessed at nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/ and allows users to get access to e-resources (6000 + e-journals and over 1,64,300 e-books). For login ID and password, the users are requested to contact the Librarian.
2. Newspaper Clipping Service:Library maintains a Media Items Register in which all newspaper cuttings related to the college are pasted.
3. Library Extended Facility: Free access to the library is given to the community and research scholars from 2 P.M. to 4 P.M.
VI. Rules and Regulations:
1. Library will remain open from Monday to Saturday from 9.00 A.M. To 3.30 P.M. It will, however, remain closed on public holidays.
2. Only bona-fide members are allowed to enter the college. They are required to bring their identity cards to get entry into the library and to make use of it.
3. Complete silence should be maintained in the library. Mobile phones should either be switched off or set to silent ring mode.
4. Eatables and drinks are strictly prohibited inside the library premises.
5. Personal belongings and bags are not allowed inside the library.
6. Students are issued three books for a period of three weeks after which they are required to either renew or return the books. Beyond the stipulated due date, a fine will be imposed.
7. No library materials should be taken outside the library without the permission of the Librarian.
8. The loss of books should reported to the librarian before due date. The borrower will be required to replace the book or pay double the price if she fails to replace the book.
9. The librarian is empowered to demand any book any time if the necessity arises.
10. Reference books, rare books and periodicals will not be issued except for consultation in the working hours.
11. The maximum number of books that the students are permitted to borrow at a time is three for PG students and two for UG students.
Students will be fined ₹ 2 per day for returning books after due date.
VII. Contact DetailsAmarjot Purewal, M.Lib., UGC-Net,
S.D. College for Women,
3, Jawahar Nagar,
Moga-142001 (Punjab) INDIA
Phone No. : 01636-220174